
Message from the president

Message from the president

President Kazunori Toshioka

Since its established in 1948, Simon Corporation have been engaged “Protect hands and feet" as its our main mission. Under the concept of “We protect people. Safe and Reliable Simon”. We provide mainly Safety shoes and Safety gloves but also a large number of safety equipment are available.  

We had a business partnership with French company Jallatte S.A in 1986 and Italian company JAL GROUP in 2013. We won 11 times "Good Design Award" by continuous effort to develop our prodcuts by learning global technology and obtaining new approach of Safety shoes. We continuously commit to develop "Product in a spirit of love".

Our mother factory "Yanaizu" was the first ISO14001 and ISO45001 certification holder among the Leather Safety shoes maker in Japan. It is because we are deeply considering environment green from the production level as well as our employees work place to be safer. We keep striving to promote environmental conservation activities with the aim of contributing to the realization of a sustainable society.

Subsidiaries in Thailand, China Indonesia and Vietnam manufacture and sell Safety shoes and Semi finished products . As "SIMON in ASIA", we develop new products by analyzing each countries customer needs in order to contribute to reduce a chance of industrial accident.

We respect our corporate mission of "Keishin, Aijin, Syushin" and coexist with nature and will tackle all the matters in order to provide a safety, comfort and health to all workers by our "Product in a spirit of love".
